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Classical Electromagnetism-2

Starting Date: 15-08-2022

This course is archived. Certificates will not be issued for this course.


This course will be offered in English and will be free of cost.

Three lectures will be released every week, generally one on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The lectures can be viewed at any time during the course duration. Four multiple-choice quizzes will be held for evaluation.


Dr H C Verma


Ms. Smita Fangaria

Operational Assistants

Mr. Vipin Sharma

Mr. Abhishek Shukla

Mr. Aditya Vadlamani

Mr. Deepak Kumar

Mr. K.K.Dubey

Ms. Lavanya Ravichandiran

Ms. Revathy KT

Mr. Sandeep Kumar

Ms. Sugatha Chaturvedi

Course Content

  • Electric current, linear, surface and volume currents and their densities
  • Current elements
  • Magnetic field as an essential consequence of Special Theory of relativity
  • Motion of a charged particle in a Magnetic field and in a crossed electric and magnetic field
  • Motion in a nonuniform magnetic field, Magnetic bottle, Deviation of Cosmic rays, e-beam evaporation of solids
  • Magnetic dipole moment of a general plane current loop, forces and torques due to magnetic field
  • Bio-Savart law for magnetic field
  • Ampere’s Law
  • Vector potential

Quizzes: 4-6 MCQ Quizzes will be held during the course. Grading will be done based on these quizzes.


B.Sc., and M.Sc., students, Physics Teachers teaching at UG, PG level, People interested in Quantum Mechanics having Physics/Math's background.

About Certificates

Participants will be given certificates from the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), IIT Kanpur, depending on the performance and attendance.


A lecture completely viewed from the course website, may be in several sessions,  will be necessary for the attendance mark. To get a certificate, it may be necessary to attend 90% or more lectures.